Frog Stitch

My blog about quilting, crafting and other random things I come across.

Monday, March 05, 2007

TAST: Cross stitch

I decided to try something new (but still pretty traditional) with TAST this week. During my snow day, I started a new heart for Chain of Hearts. I've read about other people using waste canvas, and have been wanting to try it for a while (I even went out and bought some almost a year ago). This week was the time to try it (and make good use of my cross stitch). The pattern I used is from I'm going to be adding some flowers to the bottom corner and this heart will be ready to swap.
I will say that using the waste canvas was really easy - and tweezers really helped in removing all of the strands. I think I may be making a few more hearts like this.


Blogger Conni said...

This is so sweet - and something I've wanted to try for awhile, too. Thanks for the great link to the patterns!

1:29 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

Good work. I love waste canvas! It lets you do so many designs on sweatshirts...

Thanks for the link to patterns - I ended up printing three to make for my daughter and her boyfriend who live in Arizona...

3:10 PM  
Blogger crazyQstitcher said...

I look forward to seeing some of your hearts in the COH swapping. Your hummingbird is beautiful. Maureen

9:45 PM  

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